Wednesday, April 12, 2006



ok, G_man and I went to Foxwoods this past weekend and all I have to say it that it was a blood bath. I got bitch slapped all over the pokerroom. THE BITCH OF IT I PLAY FUCKING GREAT. I was raising when I should have and folding when I knew I was beat. It was the other times that this posting is referring to. Like the time I got big slick suited in the big blind when the blinds were 25/50 and one player raised to 200 and all others folded to me I went "All In" for all the fuckers chips and he still called me with his pocker 9s and beat me. WHAT KIND OF FUCKING SHIT IS THAT. For all the fuckers chips I thought I was on party poker and this was a dream. It took every ounce in my being not to reach across the table and choke that mother fucker out. On top of the fact thatwhen we started he was in the wrong fucking seat. This bitch could not even count to 8 he sat in seat 5, that mother fucker. I did want to kill him. The weekend was just fucked when it came to cards and flops I got pocket KS 3 times and only won once heads up with another player. G_man had As in hand and they got cracked 3 out of the 5 it was like a poker twilight zone that I could not wake up from.

then we gave up on tournament tables (at least I did) and played on a 2/4 limit table. That I have to say was a lot of FUN. I cant wait to do that again. Even thought there were multiple SHITHEADS at the table, if you lost it was not for a lot of money and you did not have to leave the table, which made the losing part OK in some warped kinda way. There was this really fat guy seating in seat 5 and he said he has been there since Saturday morning, now considering at the time he told us this it was about and he has been there for 18 hours straight, and just 6 hours prier to him saying that a shuttle bus drive told us a story about the crazy fuckers that would actually PISS IN their pants and all over the chair and floor (TRUE STORY TOLD TO US BY THE BUS DRIVER)at the tables. We just looked at each other and started to laugh our asses off for about 60 seconds, but it was at that moment that I had realized that I was the shithead sitting to the right if this fat fuck ( and for all that know me he was big then I was)lucky we did not smell anything all night. But the kicker to the "piss" story the bus driver told us that all management did was call over to maintance and have them clean it up and disinfect the mess, and have a chair waiting when they got up. The management would not even ask them why on earth they did it. I am sure their answer would be "If I left to use the restroom I might have missed a good hand that was dealt to me, now get me another scotch and soda biatch. HERE is the real kicker the bus driver told us that the casino would throw them out on there ass at that point, but they would in fact throw you out if you high five someone at the blackjack table. Is that not a kick in the ass.

so there was a Russian at the table and apparently he has been there for awhile and everytime someone new came to the table the big fat guy would ask them where they were from. You see the fat guy was from Boston, Mass and everytime someone would see at the table he would begin to tell the his whole fucking story (like any of us give a flying fuck) so the Russian after being there for 4 to 8 hours himself finally could not take it anymore when G_man and I sat down and after about 15 minutes he starting asking us where we were from. In the middle of his question the Russian cut him off and starting saying "oh no, no more with that fucking story I cant take it anymore, always with that dam story" keep in mind he has a thick Russian accent. I could not help to thing about the movie "Rounders" and KGB at the table with Matt Damon "THIS FUCKING GUY ALWAYS WITH THE "CHECK CHECK CHECK" HE TRAPPED ME" Again G_Man and I bust out laughing and start saying KGB's line in the movie. Which at that point everyone startlaughing including the dealer. It was a very funny moment,fuck it, I guess you had to be there.

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