Monday, November 13, 2006


Abc "LOST"

Is it me or does Lost suck. I have been one of those faithful and loyal watchers but I just can't take it anymore. The show just sucks!!! Who in there right fucking mind would crash land on an island, be stranded for 4 months, then find a sail boat and instead of SAILING to civilization use it to scout a search and destroy mission to the other side of the island to go hunt for the "OTHERS". Fucking Bullshit, that's all it is, until last Friday. I was at a party and a friend of mine said something that made perfect sense. He said "They were all dead" and they can't leave until they realize that they fucked up in real life and made somekind of effort to make it right. Like Mike, Echo, and the brother and sister did. If that is what is going on then I can except that and watch in wonder, but if that is not the case then I can't wait until the show tanks. The fact that they now have action figures just make me laugh. I am declaring now if anyone buys any of them ARE LOSERS and need to get a real life. Everyone know Echo and Hurley are the only characters worth watching, and they just killed Echo and have not done anything with Hurley in a long time. I am so happy they when I hiatus.

The island represents pergatory which you Catholics will know is now abolished so that makes the show pointless. Whatever......
Glad I never got into that show.
Just saw you're back, welcome.

Are you watching "Lost" on an HDTV? Watching it on HDTV is the difference between "this show sucks" and "this show sucks and I payed $2,500 for a fucking plasma screen to watch it."
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